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Career Programs Assembly - October 19, 2023

Grade 10-12 is an important period of self-reflection and introspection.  It is a time to gather information, as the more you know, the more informed your decisions will be when it comes to career choices.  

What do you enjoy doing?  What are you good at?  What are some things you could do to get paid and make a living or to build a career?   The Richmond SD38 Career Programs Office will be sharing information about several things students can do while they are still in high school to help them to pursue enjoyable, challenging, interesting, even lucrative careers.  Many of our programs are affiliated with post secondary schools and the district will pay the tuition.

Don't miss this opportunity for interesting career information.  Could skilled trades be a good option for you?  What about a career in Health Sciences or Policing?   Students in grades 10-11 will join us on Thursday, October 19th during Flex Time from 9:45-10:20am in the large gym and get informed!


Updated: Monday, October 16, 2023