Core Competency Reflections - Due January 24, 2025
The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning. Along with literacy and numeracy foundations, they are central to British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum and directly support students in their growth as educated citizens.
In order for each of us to know what to work on next, we need to pause from time to time to reflect on where we are in our learning. For this reason, the BC curriculum now requires that all students reflect on their core competency growth at least three times each school year. At McNair, we will be asking students to complete a reflection and goal setting activity along with our January, April, and June reporting periods.
All McNair students are required to complete the online assignment linked below no later than January 24, 2025. This assignment should take 10-15 minutes to complete. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE YOUR REFLECTIONS NOTE: Students must use their sd38/Microsoft login to access the form. |
Parents are asked to consider sitting with your child while they complete this assignment to discuss and celebrate your child’s growth to date. It is also important that you support your child and cheer them on as they work towards achieving their goals over the next term. For more information about BC’s Core Competencies, click here.
For your reference, a copy of your reflections and goals will be emailed home when report cards are published.
Should you have any questions regarding this assignment, please contact the school office.