Richmond School District Code of Conduct
District Code of Conduct: How We Learn and Work Together
The Board of Education recognizes and welcomes its obligation to all members of the district community to provide a positive climate and a safe, healthy environment. As we learn and work together, we will truly celebrate and support the rich diversity that is our district community.
It is our collective responsibility and expectation that all district community members (students, staff, parents, and guests) comply with and enact the purpose and spirit of the British Columbia Human Rights Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Act including not engaging in discriminatory conduct on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or that group or class of persons. (BC Human Rights Code 2017).
To that end, we are committed to the expectation that all members of the district community will conduct themselves in an ethical and lawful manner that demonstrates respect for self, others, property and the environment.

Board Policy on Student Possession of Weapons
The Board is committed to providing a safe, school environment for all individuals.
The Board considers the possession or use of a weapon on or near school property or at school events as a threat to the safety and security of students and staff. Any student found to have used or be in possession of a weapon will be subject to severe disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.
A weapon shall be defined as anything used, capable of being used, intended or designed for the purpose of threatening, intimidating or causing harm to any person.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, items worn for religious purposes or implements used for other purposes may be brought to school with the prior permission of the Principal or designate and under conditions stipulated by the Principal or designate.
(Richmond School District Policy 502.3)