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Caring Learners - A Connected, Compassionate Community

The 2021-2022 school year was again filled with new challenges but the return to a full school day schedule brought back the hope that comes with the opportunity for the McNair community to live out its motto: McNair Cares.

Our Seva Club continued to provide take away breakfasts for students each morning. Our Marlinaires Club did a Can Drive for the Richmond Food Bank and a Warm Clothing Drive for Covenant House. Members of McNair's Unity and Peace Club assembled well over 100 sandwiches as part of their annual Care Package initiative to feed the homeless in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Our Marketing 12 students, over the last 10 years, has raised just over $11k for cancer research with this year's class raising the most of any year, just over $2100. Our Eco-Marlins are consistently encouraging the McNair community to sort waste appropriately and to take environmental responsibility in the school.

How do we know that students are engaged in Social Awareness and  Responsibility? The act of giving will measure success as we lead and serve moving forward from the pandemic.

Updated: Thursday, July 7, 2022