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Our Focus Archive

  • McNair has long been known as a “Caring Community”, and as a staff we have decided to embrace this phrase and make “McNair CARES” our school slogan.  We also intend to challenge our students to be "Excellent" in all that they do.  We want to see our students push themselves to become "better" at anything they attempt and bring forward their best effort in pursuing their studies. Key to the success in academic studies and extra-curricular pursuits is the foundational Social Emotional Learning of our students. Our focus is to provide care so students can engage in self-reflection and thereby enhance their performance inside the classroom and also contribute to community.
  • The terms and definitions for CARES are:
    1. Community-McNair students are caring and are kind to others - understanding that our words and actions have an impact on others.
    2. Accountable-McNair students are responsible to themselves and to others.
    3. Respectful-McNair students are courteous, polite and well-mannered toward each other and to the community as a whole.
    4. Empathetic-McNair students show the ability to share and understand the feelings of others.
    5. Socially Responsible-McNair students recognize their responsibility and obligation to act for the benefit of the community and society at large.
  • We define Excellence as:
    • Bringing your best effort to a task.
    • Setting goals and working hard to achieve those goals.
    • Setting a standard of performance for our students and aiding them in reaching that standard.
  • In supporting students, we want our action statement to encourage consideration of the following:
    1. How can/do McNair staff show you they care about you and your success?
    2. In your Core Competency Reflections, what goals do you have for yourself this year and how will you attain these goals?
    3. How are you contributing to your learning inside the classroom, in the school and in the community?
Updated: Friday, February 28, 2025