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Grade 8 Schedule

The Grade 8 program at McNair is designed to meet BC Ministry of Education requirements and to give students a broad range of educational experiences. Grade 8 students are enrolled in a standard program comprised of eight prescribed classes.

  1. English Language Arts 8
  2. Social Studies 8
  3. Physical and Health Education 8
  4. Math 8 
  5. Science 8
  6. French 8
  7. Applied Design, Skills & Technology (Home Economics/Technology Education/Business Education)
    • Students spend one third of a semester in each of the three subject areas.        
  8. Arts Education (Art, Drama, Music)
    • Students spend one third of a semester in each of the three subject areas.
  9. Career Education 8 (curriculum is embedded within the above classes)

Students requiring additional support, either through the school's resource department or as English language learners, will have personalized schedules created to meet their support needs.

In addition to the above courses, students wishing to take Band 8 may take this as an extra course out of the regular school timetable. Students in Band 8 will meet one day each week at lunch and one day after school for the entire school year.  The Strings Orchestra is for students who play violin, viola, cello or bass. Beginners are welcome!